Dog vs. Snake
This a oldie but goodie. Last year our jack russell, Yoshi, killed a bull snake in our yard and since the snakes are waking up around here now I thought it would be a good time to re-introduce this video again. Enjoy.
This a oldie but goodie. Last year our jack russell, Yoshi, killed a bull snake in our yard and since the snakes are waking up around here now I thought it would be a good time to re-introduce this video again. Enjoy.
This was the first year we tried raising Cornish Cross chickens for our customers. To say that it was a success, would be an overstatement, but to say it was a total failure would be… Well, almost correct, but it was not a complete loss, we at least broke even, but in a business, “breaking
Raising Free Range Cornish Cross Chickens Read More »
I believe my last post was in the fall of 2014. Sorry for the delay. I just don’t like to write, but it’s time for an update. After a fairly mild winter we are having an unusually early and warm spring. We’ve had weeks so far that it has not frozen at night allowing for
Real food is affordable. Real food is better for you. Real food will make you feel better and live a healthier life. What is real food? Well, in my world, real food is food that has not been adulterated or processed. It’s recognizable to your great grandparents and most likely doesn’t come in fancy packaging.
Real Food, Real Cheap. Read More »
Our chickens live in style. They enjoy movement and new ground, so we decided to take an old horse trailer and make it into our moveable chicken coop.Now I wracked my brain for a long time trying to figure out how to make a moveable chicken coop. We thought about buying an old camp trailer,
This is How Our Chickens Roll Read More »
I have never been so happy in my life to see spring. Everyone has had a hard winter this year, but I had never noticed how excited I was to see spring until this year. Our entire living is based off of grass. Without grass we wouldn’t be able to be ranchers in this part
Right now Sean and I have successfully raised meat sheep, cows, and pigs. After watching the documentary “Food Inc.” we decided that we would like to try to raise meat chickens since we are not very fond of the way meat chickens are raised. So we decided to split 50 meat chicks with his family
First attempt with meat chickens- Fail. Read More »