built tough cattle

Red Angus Cattle | Border Collies | Jack Russells

Are you tired of worming, doctoring, feeding grain and all the costs of high inputs with little return?

Low maintenance is our goal with our cattle 

Red Angus Cows, heifers, Bulls & Stockers

We raise our cattle on the high desert of Eastern Oregon. Our cows spend 9 months of the year out on the range and come home with a calf in the fall or are sent to town. We sell top quality bulls as well.

Working Border Collies

We use Border Collies for all our cattle work on the ranch. They are amazing, smart dogs with lots of instinct. They are also very popular family dogs for those with active lifestyles.

Family friendly Jack russell terriers

We raise family friendly jack russells that are great with kids! They are tough little dogs with lots of hunting instincts.

Contact info

Cross S Ranch

Jordan Valley, OR 97910

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thiswesternlife @ gmail . com