Tips & Tricks

First attempt with meat chickens- Fail.

Right now Sean and I have successfully raised meat sheep, cows, and pigs. After watching the documentary “Food Inc.” we decided that we would like to try to raise meat chickens since we are not very fond of the way meat chickens are raised. So we decided to split 50 meat chicks with his family

First attempt with meat chickens- Fail. Read More »

The biggest packrat ever! And I’m not talking about a person!

Ever heard of a packrat? Most of us associate this name immediately with a person who collects way too much stuff and is unwilling to throw anything away. The funny thing is, is that not many people know (or believe) that a packrat is actually an animal; a rat! They are native to the western side of

The biggest packrat ever! And I’m not talking about a person! Read More »