Over the last two years of exploring with cheese making, I have come to find the excitement of all the different cheeses you can make and that the “left-overs” of one cheese can actually make another cheese! Everything seems to build off of each other when you are making things with dairy products. The leftovers you get from butter makes buttermilk, the leftovers you get from making a hard cheese is whey, which can make ricotta. It’s whey cool 😉
Now, the only way I know how to make whey ricotta is from the whey of a hard cheese, so if you have made or planning on making farmhouse cheddar from my last post (how to make farmhouse cheddar) then you are going to have plenty of whey left over to make this whey ricotta. You can possibly make it from whey that comes out of strained yogurt, but the recipe I follow says to use the freshest whey possible (within two hours of making cheese).
Without further adue- Whey Ricotta:
What you need:
- 2 gallons of fresh whey (within two hours of making cheese)
- Cheesecloth (optional)
- Thermometer
- Big two gallon (or bigger) stainless steel pot
- Metal slotted spoon for stirring
- 1/4 cup of vinegar (optional)

For the first 2 years I would just throw the whey away to my chickens, pigs or dogs. Now we always make it into ricotta and use it in our daily dishes (cheese for Sean’s omelets in the mornings, ricotta cheesecake, replacement for cottage cheese, etc.) Ricotta is very versatile and fairly bland in taste, just have fun with it! Any comments below are appreciated on successes, failures, and recipes you use ricotta in.