Jack Russells

Family friendly, kid broke, and lots of fun!

We Raise great family jack russells

Looking for a Jack Russell puppy that will be good with kids? Look no further!

We have several litters a year, so we almost always have a litter either ready for homes or a momma ready to have babies.

We have all different colored Jack Russells and both smooth and broken coat Jacks.

Located 80 miles west of Boise.

Sign up below to be put on the waiting list for our next litter 👇 

Want to Learn More About Our Super Cute Jack Russell's?

Join our email list so you will be the FIRST to know when a super cute litter of Jack Russell's are born.

Current Jack Russell Litter

All our females below are bred!

Puppies to be announced around the first week of April!

Make sure to get on our email list above!

Our Breeding Jack Russells





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thiswesternlife @ gmail . com

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