Red Angus Cattle
Low Maintenance Cattle
Raised Tough
Our cows are on the high desert for 9 months of the year. They are required to raise a calf in tough conditions and rebreed for the next year. These are not babied pastured cattle
Medium Framed
Wean more total pounds instead for your whole herd! Our cows are medium framed between 1000-1200 lbs. They eat less and grow beefy calves
Calving Ease
Our cows (including first-calf heifers) calve out on the range and those who do not come home with a calf are sold, no questions asked.
Raised On Grass
All our cattle are raised on grass. Cows, bull, heifers and stockers. No grain here.
No Worming Here
We stopped worming our cattle 5 years ago. This has allowed us to sort off poor doing cattle over time and no longer requires worming
Hybrid Vigor
Our cows are a red-hided composite breed that is predominately Red Angus with Devon, Tarentaise, Herford, and Saler blood as well.
For Sale
2 year old bulls for sale! Contact us for more information.


