I believe my last post was in the fall of 2014. Sorry for the delay. I just don’t like to write, but it’s time for an update.

After a fairly mild winter we are having an unusually early and warm spring. We’ve had weeks so far that it has not frozen at night allowing for the trees and flowers to think it’s April instead of March. Down in the Treasure Valley the orchards are already blooming, so I feel like it’ll be a miracle this year if they don’t have a crop failure due to hard frosts.

Here on the ranch everything is alive and turning green! It’s such a fun time of year to see so much life springing up everywhere. Our cows are calving and turned out on the federal range and next will be our sheep and pigs.

Speaking of pigs… We bought a sow (mother pig) in January with hopes that we would have piglets by now, but unfortunately, we don’t know much about pigs and we got gipped. The “pregnant” pig we got was not pregnant, so she is now going to be sausage for our family. So we went out again and bought another “pregnant pig”. This momma truly does look pregnant this time and should be having piglets at the end of this month. Keep your fingers crossed because this might be our last chance to get good piglets to raise for pork this year.

Our newest addition to our meat business this year is meat birds! Currently we have 197 Cornish Cross chicks growing rapidly. Hopefully in less than 8 weeks we will have nice sized birds for your freezer. But with every new enterprise comes a steep learning curb, which is why we are not taking orders at the moment until we have a better idea of how many birds are going to make it to harvest!

We look forward to the 2015 season and will be in touch with you all very soon!
I live in the Treasure Valley as well and am a huge fan of your meats, so i’m excited to see that you have updated your blog after a long hiatus!
I agree – it’s nice that the cold weather has finally passed, although I will still be wearing my cowboy boots well into summer.
I’ll be crossing my fingers in the hopes that you will indeed raise some good piglets this year – your pork always has been my favorite!
Looking forward to reading your next blog update,